Prefab Scale House Buildings

Prefab Scale House Buildings

If you’re looking for the highest quality prefab scale house buildings, turn to Modular Genius. We have years of experience providing modular structures for a wide range of applications. If you can think of a way to use one, we’ve probably done it. Our scale and dispatch offices contain many different features, and can withstand years of wear and tear. In fact, modular structures can last for as long as 60 years, as long as they are properly maintained.

Turn to the Best

Modular Genius can provide you with a custom-made structure that can be used in environments such as recycling facilities, highway weigh stations, and many others. We can manufacture a building to meet your specific needs, such as access requirements. If, for example, you have a landfill site that needs a weigh station, we can outfit it with special sensors and alarms to detect methane gas. We can also provide you with a structure that comes with a variety of different electrical and mechanical systems.

Even more importantly, all of our offices are secure and comfortable. They contain sophisticated HVAC systems that can block any unpleasant distractions coming from the outside, such as truck fumes. We can provide you with not only transaction and bypass windows as well, but high security glass, intercom systems and more. 

If you have space restrictions, you might want to consider a multi-story structure. Our experts will work closely with you to come up with the perfect design.

High Quality and Affordable

All of our prefab scale house buildings, as well as all of the other structures we manufacture, are made to comply with all local, state and federal codes. They’re made of the same sturdy materials you’ll find in so-called “site built” structures, or those made through conventional means of construction. 

Your building will not only be strong, it will also be extremely affordable. Modular structures cost as much as 40 percent less than regular construction. We can also meet your timeline as well as your budget, since we can design, manufacture and install your building in as little as 90 days. 

How it Works

We manufacture our modules in our own facilities, sheltered from the weather. As a result, we’re not going to tell you that your project has been delayed due to rain or snow. If you have any experience with traditional construction, you’ve probably heard that more than you like.

Once the modules are done, we then place them by crane on the backs of flatbed trucks and then transport them to the jobsite. They’re tough enough to handle the wind and vibrations they’ll encounter along the way, so you won’t have to worry that the modules will be damaged. Once they arrive, all that will be needed will be assembly and installation. After that’s done, your building will be ready for immediate occupancy.

We’re Ready to Tell You More

The advantages of prefab scale house buildings are incredible. If you would like more information on how you can benefit, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a friendly Modular Genius expert at your earliest convenience. You can call (888) 420-1113, or you can use our convenient online contact form. We firmly believe that once you purchase a modular building, you’ll be amazed with the results.